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In 1923, Virginia began work on what was to be her last completed commission and the work that is considered her masterpiece, a set of illustrations to Arabian Nights. The set consists of 16 color illustrations, 20 black and white in drawings, a colored picture for the front cover and a drawing for the inside boards. Due to ill health, the illustrations took her three years to complete. It was published in 1928.
Each evening, Scheherazade would continue her tales, never finishing but keeping her husband enthralled with story after story for 1,001 nights.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The History of Zobeide: I had just laid myself down to rest in the shade, when I perceived a very large winged serpent coming toward me, with an irregular waving movement, and hanging out its tongue.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The History of the First Old Man and the Hind: The damsel then took a vessel full of water, and pronouncing over it some words I did not understand, she threw the water over the calf, which instantly regained my son's form.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The History of the Second Calendar: Her great beauty, and sweetness and civility wherewith she received me, emboldened me to reply, "Madame, before I satisfy your curiosity, give me leave to say that I am infinitely gratified with this unexpected meeting."
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp: Immediately a genie of frightful aspect appeared, and said, "What wouldst thou have? I am ready to obey thee. I serve him who possesses the ring on thy finger; I, and the other slaves of the ring."
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The sultan loved his wife and when it was discovered that she had held conversation with a man, he flew into a rage and beheaded them both.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp: Aladdin and the Sultan ate by themselves.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The History of the Envious Man and Him Who was Envied: They danced before me with great skill.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp: They Made Their Way to the Palace.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Aladdin or the Wonderful Lamp: Upon finding the princess in Africa, Aladdin greeted her with joy.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Baba Abdallah: Presently, a thick cloud arose.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves: Morgiana Danced with Much Grace
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Tale of Sinbad the Sailor: The Sky Became Dark
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Third Voyage Sinbad the Sailor: They found it to be a gate of ebony.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The Fifth Voyage Sinbad the Sailor: They Stopped to Gather Fruit.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
She told him tales for a thousand and one nights
13 inches by 17 inches. $108