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Kay Nielsen Home Three Princesses HC Andersen Brothers Grimm Red Magic
He struck the ground angrily with his right foot
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
. . . . and taking a pair of scissors in her right hand, snip, snip, she cut off all her beautiful tresses, and they fell upon the ground.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
Then the fisherman went home and found his wife sitting upon a throne, and she had three great crowns upon her head.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The seven-headed dragon came and breathed fire, setting all the grass ablaze.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The maiden turned herself into a rose.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
They wrote her name upon it, in golden letters, and that she was a king's daughter.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
All was so still that he could hear every breath he drew, till at last he came to the old tower and opened the door of the little room in which Rosebud was, and there she lay fast asleep.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
She began to doubt whether she were really Clever alice. 'Am I she, or am I not?'
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
When she tried to free herself and run away, the fur cloak fell off a little to one side, and the starry dress sparkled underneath.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The unicorn was trapped with him horn in the trunk of the tree.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
The king was overcome with joy.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108
And out of the cloud came a pretty bird.
13 inches by 19 inches. $108