We usually answer emails the same day. But do read the rest of this page to see if your question is answered. For phone calls in the U.S., leave a message with your number and a good time to call you back. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to sales emails, particular cut-and-paste messages or sales calls. For real communication, if you don't hear from us within a day or two, we didn't get your message or there is a response in your spam filter. The workaround is to use the *Other ways to contact us* information below. Christine will answer your questions about artists and art works, if she know but responses may lag.
Phone: 805-567-4677
By mail:
Artsy Craftsy, Art of Myth and Fairy Tale
2850 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., #429
Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Backup email:
artsycraftsy @ gmail. com
(checked less often)
If you are selling something, Christine never buys over the phone (I don't want to reward the interruption since there are so many of them). But Ashish might. Since Christine monitors the US phone, she assume that multiple calls with no message are robocalls so they go to the spam filter after a few notifications. If you really think you have something of value to offer, she'll take you more seriously if you send a personal communication at the address below.
Ashish is driving Artsy Craftsy and is the point of contact for all the handcrafts related queries and communications, so be sure to click the Ashish radio button in the contact form to make sure your mail is delivered to him directly.
The FAQ at Art Passions covers artists, books, copyright information, rules. No, I am not in a position to buy your antique book no matter how much I might want to, nor am I am not qualified to tell you what it's worth, but I do give you some resources in the FAQ. If you write me and ask me a question covered there, I'll answer your email but rather than retype, I'll give you a link to the FAQ.
The easy part of the answer: They are printed with archival inks on cotton rag paper. The difficult part: They come from first edition antique fairy tale books whose own printing methods varied in quality. Obvious errors are cleaned up, but for the most part, they are true to the originals. Some sharpness is lost when they are enlarged but in most cases, this is no more noticeable than a modern reprinting of the book. The web image should give you a good idea but feel free to ask me.
To most countries, yes. Add your items to the cart and you'll get shipping charges at checkout. If you are in a country that isn't accepted, write me and I'll make you a special paypal invoice.
Maybe! I have a good many books not listed yet and I may be able to find it. I get several requests like this a week and if I know off the top of my head, I will tell you. If you want me to go snipe hunting, it can take an hour or two, sometimes longer, to go through so I charge $10 for a search, whether or not I have it or can find it. If I can find it, I can tell you about a print. Let me know if you want me to do that and I'll send you an invoice link.
I know, but it is coming together. It all started in 1998 and grew. I've moved servers several times. Right now I'm making it as mobile friendly as possible. Good places to start:
Art Passions Site Map needs some work
Art of Myth and Fairy Tale site map - in pretty good shape
Art of Myth and Fairy Tale Home Paage - reliable